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It is the presentation of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit with the view that people will trust Jesus as Savior and Lord and serve Him in the fellowship of the Church. Evangelism is the responsibility of every Church member and Minister. It is the prime duty of every believer to share his/her faith after conversion. Through cross-cultural, mission-oriented evangelism, Church members who travel to other countries preach Christ, plant Churches and call for Ministers to do same. Besides, as was the practice of the founder, Pastor James McKeown, we respond to calls to missions as led by the Holy Spirit.
Discipleship is teaching and training believers to be like Christ in character and to make responsible choices. The emphasis is on holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, sincerity, humility, prayerfulness and the leading of disciplined and responsible lives. This is done at the level of individuals, where mature members take up the responsibility to disciple new converts. The Church plays a leading role by providing systematic teaching and practical training. Such teaching emphasizes the four-square gospel, which is Christ-centered: i.e. Jesus the Savior, Healer, Baptizer and Soon-Coming King; the Tenets of the Church; Bible reading/study and scripture memorization and application of the word to life situations.

Discipleship is teaching and training believers to be like Christ in character and to make responsible choices. The emphasis is on holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, honesty, sincerity, humility, prayerfulness and the leading of disciplined and responsible lives. This is done at the level of individuals, where mature members take up the responsibility to disciple new converts. The Church plays a leading role by providing systematic teaching and practical training. Such teaching emphasizes the four-square gospel, which is Christ-centered: i.e. Jesus the Savior, Healer, Baptizer and Soon-Coming King; the Tenets of the Church; Bible reading/study and scripture memorization and application of the word to life situations.
Ministry Excellence

We seek to honor God who gave His best (Christ Jesus as the Savior) by maintaining a high standard of excellence in all our ministries and activities (Colossians 3:23-24).
Some of the normal practices are regular prayer for the Holy Spirit baptism with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Emphasis is placed on the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in the life of the believer. Prayers are said for healing and deliverance of the afflicted as part of the initial exercises for salvation. Services are marked as truly Pentecostal with praise and worship, teaching, exercise of gifts, prayer, testimonies, etc.

Some of the normal practices are regular prayer for the Holy Spirit baptism with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Emphasis is placed on the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in the life of the believer. Prayers are said for healing and deliverance of the afflicted as part of the initial exercises for salvation. Services are marked as truly Pentecostal with praise and worship, teaching, exercise of gifts, prayer, testimonies, etc.
Ministry of the Holy Spirit

We believe in the presence of the person of the Holy Spirit and that the Christian life can be led only by His enablement. The new birth is the work of the Holy Spirit, and then the baptism of the Holy Spirit for power to serve and the gifts of the Spirit for building the body of Christ. The Holy Spirit helps the individual to develop a Christ-like character, manifested through bearing the fruit of the Spirit. The leading of the Holy Spirit in all spheres of activity in the Church is paramount. Administrative structures and all other Church distinctiveness have been largely influenced by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Leadership development is based on the apostolic foundation. Appointments and callings into leadership positions are based on character, charisma, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Leadership development is from the grassroot level with members maturing to lead sub-groups, Ministries, Assemblies, Districts and Areas. Team spirit with talent development shapes team work. Ministry is by both clergy and laity.

Leadership development is based on the apostolic foundation. Appointments and callings into leadership positions are based on character, charisma, and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Leadership development is from the grassroot level with members maturing to lead sub-groups, Ministries, Assemblies, Districts and Areas. Team spirit with talent development shapes team work. Ministry is by both clergy and laity.